Due to time constraint, I have missed getting back at some nominations for quite some time now. Usually, I only end up with a simple “Thank You”.  But since today is a very special day, I would like to make an exception. This morning, I woke up with a surprise from WordPress. Apparently, my dearest blog- Doodles and Scribbles– is celebrating it’s 1st blogssary. YAY! I honestly didn’t mind when I first started this blog and I’m filled with gratitude and so much love looking back at a year that was.

I’d like to thank Mandi for the timely nomination. I always enjoy reading your posts and comments. Thank you. 😘 I’ve already had the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award nomination for the first time and I would gladly answer it again. Thank you for the insightful questions, too!

1st Blogsarry

1. What are you trying to accomplish with your blog? Or put another way, what are you hoping others will get out of it, or that you will get out of it?

Truth is, I’m a recluse blogger when I first started this blog. I only wanted a retreat from life’s hustle and bustle and was just looking for another way to express my endless musings other than scribbling them on a tissue. But as I came to know fellow bloggers who are both awesome and endowed, and became a part of a community who lifts you up and inspires, I started writing to open myself up to others and learn from them in return.

I’m a hopeless romantic who loves poetry and I think Doodles and Scribbles could attest to that . Later on, I became fond of writing flash fictions, too. So, I guess, what I’m trying to accomplish is to hone my skills, to explore and appreciate the art of writing, and to inspire and be inspired.


2. How do you deal with the inevitable frustrations of blogging, like posting something you worked really hard on and getting little response? (It’s okay to admit if crying is involved; we’d understand.)

The beauty of WordPress, I believe, is that unlike any other social media, little response does not necessarily results to frustration (In my POV). When I do really work hard on something, I would only hope that those who are following Doodles and Scribbles get to enjoy my craft just as I do.


3.What is one way that someone has been especially supportive about your blog and/or your writing more generally?

Not everyone I know knew that I’m into blogging. Only my family and closest friends knew about the existence of this blog which is the way my introvert self wanted it. I couldn’t thank them enough for their kind words and warm support in my writing. Generally, I get the biggest chunk of motivation from fellow bloggers. My posts may not get hundreds of likes or comments but whenever I see those bloggers- who have turned to be my very good friends- leaving their “footprints” on each of my posts, that’s more than enough.  😘 😘 😘


4.What is one thing you wish you had known when you first started your blog?

Actually, this is my second blog. I’ve had my first blog when I was still in college but we kinda “drifted apart”. I wish I had known back then how good it feels to write to your heart’s content and be able to meet brilliant and creative minds in blogosphere. Blogging is so addictive!


5. How do you find or make or schedule time to write for your blog? How well is that working for you?

I’m a spur-of-the moment type of person. I rarely make plans and don’t do things in advance (I know it’s not always a good thing). Most of my posts, for instance, are posted on the same day it was written. Finding time to write for my blog is quite a challenge for me because of my ever-demanding job. For the past months, I’ve been coming to the office at 9am (my shift is 11am to 8pm) to read and write some posts, and if I still got some creative juices, I blog at night.


6. Everyone procrastinates at least once in a while. What’s a guilty pleasure that you indulge in when you’re supposed to be working?

Blogging in between shift has been a hobby, too. When the cat is away, the mouse will play. So they say. 😂

P.S. Don’t tell my boss!


7. What do you like to do when you’re not working or writing? Do any of your hobbies, or your occupation, feed back into your writing?

Generally, I turn to music and books. I read literary websites such as Berlin Artparasites, The Button Poetry, Poem Porn, Shadow Poetry and Poets Org for inspiration and indulge in the works of my favorite poets, too.

© needmorecookies.com

8. Which holiday or celebration (annual or otherwise) in the country where you live do you enjoy the most?

Awwee… Of course it’s Christmas! I love everything about it- the chilly air, the sweet smiles, the tight hugs, the lovely gifts, and the endless feast. 😄😄😄


9. Since I love food, I have to include it here: Tell us a story about one of your favorite foods, like a special time that you made it, or when you first had it, or just describe what you love about it.

If they say that the best way to win a man’s heart is through his stomach, then maybe it’s the reason why I haven’t found my man yet. Recently, I decided to learn how to cook (aside from frying). My favorite dish would be Adobo, the Philippine’s national ‘ulam’. However, my first try was a failure so I resort to my second favorite dish- Sinigang na Baboy. I was so proud that I was able to cook a sumptuous (yes, I promise) version of sinigang na baboy added with sweet corn. YAY!


10. Tell us a story about someone who told you (or implied) that you couldn’t do something because you were a girl/woman, and how you responded.

Hmm… Thankfully, I haven’t experienced being degraded as a woman but I do get doubtful looks and questions because my height happened to be an inch adorable (I refuse to say I’m short. HAHA!). Well, most of the times, it’s more of a tease than a doubt. Then I’d often smile and tell them, “Watch me.” As for doubtful strangers, I’d like to surprise them what I could do. 😉


Breaking the rules, I won’t be nominating anyone but I would gladly like to read if you choose to respond to the questions above. Anyone who writes from the heart deserves this award or any award for that matter. It’s for you! Have a great day! ❤❤❤