

Scribblings and scrawls of a hopeless romantic soul



Quick Notes: Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom

Genre: Nonfiction/Religion/Philosophy/Memoir
Copy: Paperback
Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌖

They said that each of us must have at least one book that we will reread at different stages throughout our earthly life. I guess, for me, that book would be Mitch Albom’s Have a Little Faith.

I finished this book back in 2016 as a part of that year’s Popsugar Reading Challenge. It was under the category: “A book that makes you happy.”

And, indeed, it did.

Fast forward eight years later, here I am, reliving that feeling. Amused with my old annotations; recapturing the old magic. Eight years ago, I finished this book swiftly in one sitting. Now, reading it again with my current mental, emotional and spiritual state, I find it hard to flip to the next pages. Every page is a chokehold, pulling you into a serious (and often painful) rumination about dying
 and living.

Have a Little Faith is a moving true story about perspective and purpose. In alternating narratives, we get a glimpse into the lives of two men of the cloth: a Jewish rabbi and a Christian pastor. Adding another layer of depth is Mitch’s own thoughts as he moves between the two different worlds lived by Reb and Henry.

Throughout the pages, we read all these different perspectives on faith, religion, sin, redemption, forgiveness, fear, hope — and all those other things we encounter as we walk through life. I love how Mitch’s words allow me to stand in different shoes — from a man of strong faith, a man who ran away from it, and a man who kept losing and finding it.

Reading the book has been an emotional rollercoaster ride. The old highlighted phrases on the book hit a lot closer to home now. Since I’ve grown in age, I have 30 years of experience to reflect on. Where do I stand in my faith? Have I done my part as a “Man of God?” How would I like to be remembered? Truth is, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the many questions I’ve come up with after reading this book. Hopefully, the universe will grant me more tomorrows to find all the answers.

The Baptism


The Baptism

My feet trudge the dark earth
Outlining little puddles
The furious sky flaunts its prowess
Upon us lowly creatures
My dress is drenched in the downpour
But my eyes flicker with hope
Like a child blessed with holy water
Within this rain is my baptism

© 2017 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

In response to dVerse’s Quadrille: Flicker hosted by Grace and MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie’s Photo Challenge #174 hosted by Nekneeraj.

Last April, I’ve had the chance to work with Reylia Slaby during the A to Z challenge. Although I was 8 letters short in completing the challenge, it was fun and exciting expressing her photos through poems. The photo above is entitled, We Summon Our Own Rain. Interesting title, eh? 

Head over here to join the fun!





A Realistic Fiction

A piano sits in the empty room where Amy used to play with her heart poured in every key, her fingers tapping to the tune of Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, and Debussy. But one accident and, in the blink of an eye, those days were gone.

“Do you know the first thing I did after I find out I have ALS?” A voice came from behind and she turned to find her mother’s weak smile. “I started swimming. I lived my life doing the thing I love the most. I swum rivers, beaches, and pools until this disease finally took away my strength. That morning, I felt like I died a thousand times and all those years of fight were pointless.””

Her mother paused, catching her breath. “But there are things that even death cannot take.” She walked slowly towards Amy, with eyes brimming with tears. “Love. My love for water never ceased… And so should your love for music, my child.”

Word Count: 162

Here is for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers prompt. This week’s photo prompt was taken from a hidden paradise near our place. It was not until last year that the locals discovered how beautiful this river was.

P.S. My deepest condolences to PJ and her family. You have my prayers and love. Please take care and stay strong PJ. ❀

Enjoy more stories here:

A fainted-heart’s prayer


Hands clasped beneath my chin, my fingers interlocked like metals of a zipper fitting into each other. My lips trembled with the weight of something heavy tethered from my heart. Fears? Doubts? Mistakes? No, it was regret. Regret that I did not let go and let You. When I’m one step away from surrender, You never left. When I’m one failure away from falling apart, You carried my load. When I’m one sin away from death, You showed me mercy. Head bowed and eyes closed, I uttered the words I should have said a long time ago, “My God, my savior, thank You.”

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Image Source: Favim

Written for November Notes hosted by two lovely and awesome writers, my dearie Rosema of A Reading Writer and Sarah of Heartstring Eulogies. Come, join the musical fun!😀

Music Prompt for Day 6: Street Called Mercy by Hillsong United. This is a personal favorite song for me. Hope everyone is having a blessed Sunday. đŸ’đŸ™đŸŒ





a beast awakes in her sleep
recounting all of her defeat
etched on her skin are downfalls
broken hearts and failures
but day breaks with renewed faith
trampling over the nasty beast
the odious markings on her skin
she wears with pride again

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

In response to MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie’s photo challenge #134.

Head over here to join the fun!

The Sky is Blue, Always Is


I read hundreds were dead today. Another airstrike was launched; another bomb exploded. Another life on death row; another AIDS victim. Tears were shed as blood smeared the earth yet the sky is blue. Even with the hovering depression, frustration and obliteration, it remains blue. No matter how many times it witnessed death and conflict, heard cries of anguish and utter distress, the horizon is a never-ending blue. It never faded into gray. Why is that? I looked at the cerulean sky and found the glorious sun smiling at me. The sun shined brightly as if saying that all these were just passing clouds—they come and they go. On most days clouds peppered the sky, on some days they filled it. But it never lasted, none of the clouds did. And in the curtain call, as the day faded into night, I succumbed to gloom. I looked up, anticipating the darkness that mirrored this world, only to find a star speckled night sky. The moon winked and said, “Have a little faith, child.”

Weary— my eyes closed
I woke up to a blue sky
Smiling, faith revived

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

In response to dVerse’s Tuesday Poetics: Breathing in Blue

Tending the bar for Poet’s Pub today is De who’s back fresh from Lake Tahoe. Check out her gorgeous piece, A thousand shards of cobalt glass.😉

P.S. I guess I’m on a haibun rampage this week for dVerse. Will try to flex  my fingers for some lines and rhymes next time. 😉

Head over here to join the fun:


Seeds of Hopes and Dreams



I spent my waking days sowing seeds of hopes and dreams on the face of the earth, wishing that they may land on a good soil. There were days when the seeds scattered on a cold, hard path where ravenous birds await. Those seeds didn’t even get the chance to grow their roots as they were mercilessly devoured. There were days when the seeds fell on shallow grounds surrounded by rocks. Most of them grew but never lasted. Some sprang out quickly but the rocks kept getting in the way while others were withered by the scorching sun and wilted craving for the rain. There were days when I found them amidst the weeds and thorns. The weeds tried to take away what little the seeds have—the sunlight, the water, the nutrients—while the thorns pierced them every time they try to grow. My tears smeared the earth on these days. In the cradle of the night, I held the last seeds close to my heart now wrapped with mudcracks, and prayed to the moon and stars for the courage to sow them again. “Patience, little girl,” the night sky whispered. So I tossed the seeds once again with a hopeful heart. I called upon the wind to blow them to a fertile soil where hopes and dreams may sprout— where tears and sweat come to fruition. Let’s see this parable come to life.

Lift your hands above
Feel your freedom like a dove
He’ll guide your plans, love

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Photography by Jenna Walker

In response to dVerse’s MtB: Let’s Kick it Up a Notch
Tending the bar today is Victoria with her piece, Death, Imagined. The challenge is to search your archives and choose a poem, even if it’s one you thought was already done, and see if you can add a little spice to it through the use of sensory description, replacing metaphor, or tightening up your word count.

This was originally a haiku I wrote last March entitled, Plans. I added little something with the help of ChĂšvrefeuille’s Haibun Prompt (which reminded me of patience) and Raja’s Inspiration Call (which reminded me of Matthew 13 – The Parable of the Sower).

Head over here to join the fun:


At Your Mercy


At Your Mercy

Fears and doubts today surround me
Endless questions I can’t comprehend
Darkened path, my eyes cannot see
Mind running wild as logic ends
These all I lay at the mercy of Your feet
My restless heart, my wavering faith
My rivers of tears and gnashing teeth
Your gift of love and wisdom, I will wait

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Image Source: Favim

Today’s Filipino word prompt is “kinaadman” which refers to “knowledge or wisdom”.

Come on! Write a poem or a fiction
Snap a photo under the sun
A six-word tale or a long post, perhaps?
Let’s all get word-high this July!

Want to join the fun? Find the prompt words HERE! Don’t forget to pingback & use the tag WordHighJuly. Mazel tov! 😉


Let Go


Let Go
An Octodil

Try not to hide
your hurt and pain
ignore and blink away
your grief, heartaches
for I see them concealed beneath
you empty and vacant gazes—
a smile may hide a lie
but the truth’s in your eyes

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Photography by seanmundy

Today’s Filipino word prompt is “balintataw” which refers to “the pupil of the eye”.

Come on! Write a poem or a fiction
Snap a photo under the sun
A six-word tale or a long post, perhaps?
Let’s all get word-high this July!

Want to join the fun? Find the prompt words HERE! Don’t forget to pingback & use the tag WordHighJuly. Mazel tov! 😉


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