PHOTO PROMPT © The Reclining Gentleman

The sun was already up when Julio found his wife watering the flowerbeds in the garden. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.” He whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Oh!” Lora shrieked in surprise, “Look who’s awake. Happy Valentine’s, sleepyhead.”

“I intend to make you breakfast.”

“You intend.”

They were about to kiss when a little voice called out from behind. Maxie was staring quizzically at her grandparents then muttered, “It’s August 12, not February 14 grandma!”

“Oh, sweetie, but today is OUR Valentine’s Day. It’s the day a certain mailman brought Valentine to me in an envelope.” Lora explained and winked.

“A handsome mailman, he was.” her husband added.

Word Count: 108

I’ve always believed we could make any day a Valentine’s Day…

Here’s a late entry for this week’s Friday Fictioneers prompt. Photo prompt is provided by The Reclining Gentleman. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!  😀 ❤

Enjoy more stories here. 🙂