So, I’ve decided to join the fun at Cee’s Share Your World Challenge. It would have been nice if I had started at week one but what do they say… better late than never! 😅

Here’s for  Week 3.

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

Close. I’ve watched too many horror films to leave them open. 😱🙈

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?

No, thank you. I prefer my own. 👌🏽

3. What is your usual bedtime?

I always say this, “The night is my bed, the moon my lover…” 🌙✨

I love to laze the night away especially when it’s a starry night and the moon is out. My muse, I found, delights in the dark.  Although I am not a night owl per se, I’d say I sleep on an average of midnight. 

4. Do you like to use post-it notes?

Yes, I do like post-it notes but I don’t use them that much (especially that they’re not allowed in the office). I always end up doodling on them anyway so it’s safer to say I’d prefer a handy sketchpad instead. 😁

4. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?

July 29, 2016. I wrote this one as  a response to a four-year old love letter and decided to post it on my blog. The physical letter remains tucked in my drawer. Unsent—just because. The letter is entitled, To a four-year-old unanswered letter…

6. Any phobias?

I have a few listed here.

I am not sure if it’s a phobia at all… but any of our plump, soft, squishy, and squirty friends frightens me. Those anytime-might-burst crawling creatures! Think caterpillars and larvae!

7. How tall are you?

HA! And it all boils down to height…

Let’s just say my height is an inch adorable.



Really, I’m an inch away from 5ft! *hides*

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I was given a chance to watch a film documentary entitled, Jerome Lejeune: To the Least of My Brothers and Sisters. You can watch the trailer here.

The film chronicles the life of Dr. Jerome Lejeune, the Father of Modern Genetics, and how his meteoric rise in the field of science  struggled with his personal and moral beliefs when he strongly opposed the use of his discovery, Trisomy 21, to selectively terminate or abort prenatally diagnosed Down Syndrome babies at embryonic stage. This fervent stand, eventually, led everything he had built to crumble: his career and professional relationship, and even some friends.

I watched the film with a lump on my throat, thinking how tragic must it be for Legeune to be vilified, to be deemed a traitor of science and a hypocrite with biased personal beliefs. I was compelled when he said in one of his interviews that resorting to abortion is the end of science. The giving up. Legeune acknowledged the lack of resources of his time but was optimistic that the next generation could certainly find ways and solutions to the problem at hand.

That, for me, is a solid sign of faith—in both science and in the greater God.

Sadly, I was not able to find a copy of the full documentary but I’d like to share these clips from Dr. Legeune.

