

Scribblings and scrawls of a hopeless romantic soul



Share Your World – Summertime

Melanie at Sparks from a Combustible Mind hosts Share Your World Challenge. Here’s my entry for this week.

Sunrise ❤

Are you a Summer person? A Winter person? Or one of the other seasons suits you best?
The climate of the Philippines is divided into two main seasons: the rainy season (from June to the early part of October) and the dry season (from the later part of October to May). Despite its melancholy and all its drama, I have never been a fan of the rain. It always makes me sad for some reason. This is why I prefer sunny days. It somewhat calms the chaos inside and makes me hopeful. Though, I hope it don’t get brutally scorching whenever I’m outdoors.

What is your favorite summer time clothing?

Nothing in particular. I’m a regular t-shirt/jeans/cuff shorts kind of human being.

Do you find yourself eating out more during the summer? Or making ‘cold food’ like salads and stuff you can heat in the microwave?

I always think big when it comes to food. I “think” that I can eat a lot but whenever I eat, my stomach can only accommodate a few. Recently, I find myself craving for mango float. Does this count?

Do you like watermelon? What’s your favorite summertime treat?

I like watermelon but I like mangoes better. As for the summertime treat, for me buko salad would be best! It’s a Filipino fruit salad dessert made from strips of fresh young coconut with sweetened milk or cream and various other ingredients. If you want to learn how to make one, check this out!

Are you thankful it’s finally (sorta) dry and warm?

PAGASA declared the start of the rainy season last June 14 on my side of the Earth. However, I am still thankful because the country has experienced a severe drought and it took a great toll on our farmers. Farmers, in general, celebrate rain showers, but not typhoons, as a sign of good harvest in the future. Now is the time for them to get back on track.


Share Your World – Introspections

So, I’ve decided to join the fun at Melanie’s Share Your World Challenge. Here’s for the first week of July.

Would (or do) you stop to help (presumably) stranded folks by the side of the road?

As an empath in nature, I would. Of course this does not mean that I don’t feel a tinge of fear or distrust, but I still want to believe that there is goodness in each of us. That, despite all the negativities, people can be kind to one another.

Do you think the world is less mannerly today than in past times OR are we just more touchy and manners are as they’ve always been?

Truth is I’m morally scarred. I would not zoom out to the rest of the world because even just the current situation of the people here in my country, the Philippines, is enough to trigger my cynicism. There is a prevalent disrespect for women and much more disregard for life in general. All these are led by none other than the head of the state. His brand as a populist leader has enticed many Filipinos. Whatever he says, believes or does, people will follow. His rape jokes ripple throughout the country and his bloody war ensues at the expense of the poor.

The Philippines has gambled for an actual medicine-man to cure the nation but I fear that we might have taken the wrong prescription.

What happens if you’re scared half to death, TWICE?
HA! I wouldn’t even try to do the math but I’d probably end up doing the first thing I always do when something scares me: freeze.

If ALL the world’s a stage, where does the audience sit?
This reminds me of a piece I wrote one the first Monday of July a year ago. Maybe life is one big stage, maybe it isn’t. But one thing is for sure, we all have a part to play. The audience don’t just get to sit.

Share your thankful comments here. It’s a gorgeous day most places, so celebrate!


I’m grateful to God for surrounding me with beautiful people who keep me anchored to life. My family, for being my strength and motivation; my friends, for reminding me that the beauty of life can also be found in people; and the boyfriend, for sticking through my anxieties, mood swings and existential days.

I’m grateful for the comfort I find in words whenever I read or write. To my books, for taking me to different worlds; and to blogosphere, for allowing me to have my own little world. As most of my friends here in WordPress know, I haven’t been writing much — by writing I don’t mean blogging about my escapades out in nature. What I mean is gone are daily poems and flash fictions.

This is why I am also grateful to Melanie for this prompt. SYW for me is a chance to introspect. It allows me to get in touch with my inner self and my muse. Who knows, one day, writing may come easy. 🙂

SYW – The Untamed

So, I’ve decided to join the fun at Cee’s Share Your World Challenge. Here’s for Week 1.

What one word describes you best?

Untamed. I was once asked before in the Rule of Eleven tag to give one word that describes me and I think this hasn’t changed through time.

What is set as the background on your computer?

I do not have a computer with me and my laptop’s long dead so I’m sharing my phone’s wallpaper instead.

This is my phone’s lock screen which reminds me of the things I love, books and poetry. I also love the mystery behind this photo. It makes me think that, like our phones, one needs to know the password to get to know us more.

If you have been to a foreign country name those you have been too?

I haven’t been outside the PH yet. But it’s on my list come 2019. *fingers crossed*

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week? Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination.

Before 2017 ended, I decided to go on a solo trip. I’m used to being alone and doing stuff by myself but that was the first time I had to cross oceans just for a sweet escape. I went to see the gorgeous hills of Alicia, Bohol and I came back with a heart filled with joy. I have learned not to let people or circumstances disable me from doing things that I want. That I should live in my own pace and not with somebody else’s. And lastly, that I should not look for happiness but instead create it.


YAY! That’s all the tidbits for now. 😉

Share Your World – Week 4

Here’s for  Cee’s Share Your World Challenge –  Week 4

Do you prefer juice or fruit?

Fruits. Specially freshly picked. 🙂

Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it?

I came from a village tucked in the far-most corner of a small town and I couldn’t ask for more. “Away from civilization”, that’s what we jokingly call it. BUT we’re never away from each other. Home is where love and smile is the warmest.

If you were to paint a picture of your childhood, what colors would you use?

Green for the trees, blue for the sky, brown for the dusty road. It was a time of laughter, sun-kissed skin and sweat. Need I say more?

Ways to Relax List: Make a list of what relaxes you and helps you feel calm

• Stargazing and moon-gazing
• Watching animated films
• Doodling and sketching
• Listening to music
• Lazy afternoons
• Reading books
• Long walks
• Silence

Continue reading “Share Your World – Week 4”

Share Your World – Week 3

So, I’ve decided to join the fun at Cee’s Share Your World Challenge. It would have been nice if I had started at week one but what do they say… better late than never! 😅

Here’s for  Week 3.

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

Close. I’ve watched too many horror films to leave them open. 😱🙈

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?

No, thank you. I prefer my own. 👌🏽

3. What is your usual bedtime?

I always say this, “The night is my bed, the moon my lover…” 🌙✨

I love to laze the night away especially when it’s a starry night and the moon is out. My muse, I found, delights in the dark.  Although I am not a night owl per se, I’d say I sleep on an average of midnight.  Continue reading “Share Your World – Week 3”

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