

Scribblings and scrawls of a hopeless romantic soul





He slammed the front door shut, leaving her a name that echoed in the four corners of the room—J O A N N A. Joanna sounded like his ‘I love you’. Joanna tasted like his kisses. Joanna felt like his touch. There were no tears in her eyes just lips closed tight. She should have known all along.

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Image Source: Favim

Written for November Notes hosted by two lovely and awesome writers, my dearie Rosema of A Reading Writer and Sarah of Heartstring Eulogies. Come, join the musical fun! 😀

Music Prompt for Day 4: Between the Lines by Sara Bareilles





Hands slithered from behind
A soft whisper to his ears
“How about a touch for a dime?”
Her breaths travelled to his nape
Lights off, dress undone
Moans filled the autumn air
Eyes closed, he thought of heaven
Eyes closed, she saw hell

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Image Source: Favim

Written for November Notes hosted by two lovely and awesome writers, my dearie Rosema of A Reading Writer and Sarah of Heartstring Eulogies. Come, join the musical fun! 😀

Music Prompt for Day 3: The Other Side of Paradise by Glass Animals. I’ve never heard of Glass Animals before but I’m glad to have found this band! 😀 This one is also inspired by a prostitute’s story. I originally wrote “her children” instead of “hell” in my last line but the other side of paradise to her could be hell.





Slowly, she pulled the loose thread from the fabric that wrapped her for years. Stitch by stitch the knots loosened, the seams that held her started to come undone. In the corner of the room, she fell to her knees amidst the tangled strings. Beneath the light of the moon, she smiled for she can finally breathe.

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Image Source: Favim

Written for November Notes hosted by two lovely and awesome writers, my dearie Rosema of A Reading Writer and Sarah of Heartstring Eulogies. Come, join the musical fun! 😀

Music Prompt for Day 2: Details in Fabric by Jason Mraz


5 seconds


5 seconds

your stare is but a chasm
drawing me to the depths
i dread those five seconds
i am miserable at best
if i stifle a smile
or blink away your gaze
it’s a way of remembering
that you weren’t mine but hers
so, baby, please steer clear
for this heart of mine is frail
don’t lend me five seconds
if you can’t hand me forever

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Image Source: Favim

Written for November Notes hosted by two lovely and awesome writers, my dearie Rosema of A Reading Writer and Sarah Doughty of Heartstring Eulogies. Come, join the musical fun! 😀

Music Prompt for Day 1: Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy


The Cruelty of May


May—a month of endless delight and fun
Of flowers, smiles, and sun-kissed skins
But every after six years
Election crawls, I dread
The dawn of chaos
Turmoil began
We endure

Loads of promises from cunning tongues
Tales of lies, politicians sang
When will this treachery end?
An unending cycle—
A game of power,
Greed and deceit
We endure

Poetry Form: Nonet


Day 4: In his poem “The Wasteland,” T.S. Eliot famously declared that “April is the cruelest month.” But is it? I’d have thought February. Today I challenge you to write a poem in which you explore what you think is the cruelest month, and why. Perhaps it’s September, because kids have to go back to school. Or January, because the holidays are over and now you’re up to your neck in snow. Or maybe it’s a month most people wouldn’t think of (like April), but which you think of because of something that’s happened in your life. Happy (or, if not happy, not-too-cruel) writing!

May is one of the merriest months. Here in the Philippines, May means SUMMER and what could go wrong with summer? Also, most fiesta are held on the month of May so you will never run out of FOOD (as long as you know where to go). BUT every after six years, May implies the Philippine National Election. Promises. Lies. Chaos. Death. 😦

Read more 2016 NaPoWriMo entries here!


Do you ever stop and listen to the lapping waves, rolling back and forth to the shore? Do you notice the singing birds soaring above the cerulean skies? Do you hear the children’s laughter on Saturday afternoons? Do you ever feel your beating heart?

Close your eyes. Listen. What do you hear?

I am Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto, God of Music. I’m a fine-looking chap who used to carry a golden lyre until mankind, in your most pragmatic way, has modernized my old-fashioned approach. So here I am, strumming an electric guitar burning with passion.

Mortals tend to make music louder— thinking the loudest sound reaches the farthest place. But I can hear everything from up here, even the softest hum. You’ve changed music a lot, too— some to my liking, some not. Still, I love it when a song stirs a memory and a rhythm calms a heart. I love it when you take my key to chart a journey to a new world.

Close your eyes. Listen. What do you hear?

Word Count: 175

Here is for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers prompt. This week’s photo prompt is provided by pixabay. It reminds me of Mitch’s The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto and the Greek God, Apollo. 🙂

Apollo is one of the most complex and important gods, and is the god of many things, including: music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge. He is the son of Zeus and the Titan Leto, and was born in the Greek island of Delos

Enjoy more stories here:

The Great Book of Lists- Chapter 2.3:The soundtrack of your life

“Ah, music,” he said, wiping his eyes. “A magic beyond all we do here!”
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Yes, music. One of the most magical things in this world- along with poems, books, and love- and I couldn’t be happier when La duchesse d’Erat introduced this week’s chapter in The Great Book of List. If my life carries a playlist with it, it’ll be filled with hundreds of songs transcending through time. But since we can’t have that, here are some songs from the soundtrack of my life that I’d like to share. I hope you enjoy! 😀

1. A song that reminds me to trust in God- I’ve mentioned this in the previous chapter since every word in the lyrics resonates and matters to me. When everything goes wrong and nothing seems right, I turn to this one. I turn to God.

Just Be Held by Casting Crowns


Continue reading “The Great Book of Lists- Chapter 2.3:The soundtrack of your life”



Music is the silent scream of a heart that couldn’t shout,
It is one way of saying things we couldn’t utter by mouth
Some rhythm is a blatant flaunt of utmost happiness
Whilst some are the sober veil of resounding wretchedness.
One couldn’t carry on without music in their life
It is a need, not a want- a sign of being alive
It takes you to places you’ve never been before
A world of your own, where your thoughts highly soar.
It gives the beat of bravery
The sound of peace and serenity
Where love and hurt is in harmony
And reminds us this epitomy:
“For when life gets tough-
Just turn your music on,
Hit the volume up,
And forget the rest of the world.”

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