

Scribblings and scrawls of a hopeless romantic soul

Spilling Whiskey and Secrets


Spilling Whiskey and Secrets

Sleeping at my doorstep
Dried tears on my cheeks
Another whiskey down
Whisking memories out
Another night of tale-tells
Of drunken soliloquies
Won’t anybody listen?
Won’t anybody care?

There’s a story at the bottom of this bottle…

Let’s spill the night
With secrets—
You be the legend,
I be the pen.

In response to dVerse’s Poetics: Musical Muse. Today, Mish asks us to choose some lyrics, preferably one line from a favorite song and grow our own poem from it.

Just recently, I drew the image above with the lyrics from one of my favorite punk rock bands, All Time Low. The song is entitled, Dear Maria, Count Me In, which they said was inspired by a stripper named Maria. *chuckles* Here’s my take.

Head over here to join the fun!


22 thoughts on “Spilling Whiskey and Secrets

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  1. Me likey! The words and the art 😀


  2. There is always a story at the bottom of the bottle, one of pain.


  3. I love the last stanza of this! What a fun take on the prompt.


  4. A wonderful take on the prompt Maria and I especially love ‘Let’s spill the night With secrets— You be the legend,
    I be the pen :o) xxx


  5. Let’s spill the night
    With secrets—
    You be the legend,
    I be the pen.

    Very nice!


  6. Love everything about this, the poem, its title, your drawing. I can’t put my finger on who that singer’s voice reminds me of. It’s a little bit old Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, a little bit Secondhand Serenade. Either way, I dig the song and the way I hear it in my head the more I read your words. Excellent write.


  7. Lots of fun! Love the drawing!


  8. Love how it went to something way better in the end… and the drawing is perfect.


  9. It’s a good, well-crafted poem. I particularly like the change in tempo from lying in the doorway drying tears to the positive high of the last lines.


  10. I love this, Maria! from
    ‘Another whiskey down
    Whisking memories out’
    ‘You be the legend,
    I be the pen’.


  11. Spill the night – great twist! LOVE that you share your drawing, as well. Wonderful talent you have, Maria!


  12. Love this Maria

    There’s a story at the bottom of this bottle…

    Let’s spill the night
    With secrets—
    You be the legend,
    I be the pen.

    Yes, there is always a story.


  13. Love your poem and your drawing.


  14. Oh my goodness…powerful!


  15. Let’s spill the night
    With secrets—
    You be the legend,
    I be the pen.

    Oh my…eloquent and evocative words and imagery throughout. Loving your drawings and your word art!


  16. As I said before I very much love the drawing. You’ve such talent glass is hard to do. Your poem is very beautiful, sad but lovely at the same time. It brings to mind one of my fav country “duets” – “Whiskey Lullaby” by Brad Paisley and Allison Krause. It shares that same pain of lost beauty and love.


  17. Nice poetry and art maria 🙂


  18. I like what you did with “whisky”and “whisk”….and wow, those last two lines! Thanks for joining in.


  19. Been there…drunk that 😉


  20. Nice last stanza: spilling the night with secrets to write down.


  21. Tag-an pako. “Dear Maria Count me in” HAHAHA. Ganahan baya kay ko anang kantaha.

    Liked by 1 person

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