

Scribblings and scrawls of a hopeless romantic soul



A Letter to a New-found Love

© ertacaltinoz

Dear George R.R. Martin,

How you swept me away with your saga
I cringed to the deaths and gasped to drama
Engrossed— I breathed the song of ice and fire
It’s your world I crave; your words I desire

In my heart grew a massive gratitude
In fascination, you had me all glued
For the ride I took in the game of thrones
I slowly paced to flirt with the unknown

You took the chill higher in the clash of kings
I watched you in awe as you played the strings
A storm of swords set on smoldering heat
In your gripping tales, I rested my heartbeat

Do throw those pessimists— a feast for crows
I live every page; in each leaf time slows
Savor delight and dance with the dragons
Sing with the knights and travel in wagons

Will the dream of spring be a startling end?
My words are not enough to a tale well-penned
Will the winds of winter blow us away?
You were writing life’s metaphor, not just fantasy.

Your newest fangirl,
Maria ❤

Poetry Form:  Quatrain


DAY 3:  Today, let’s turn our vision outward, and write fan letters. I challenge you to write a poem in the form of a fan letter to a celebrity. Now, this could be a celebrity from long ago, and needn’t be an actor or singer (though it could be).  

George R.R. Martin is an American novelist and short story writer in the fantasy, horror, and science fiction genres, a screenwriter, and television producer. He is the man behind the latest addition to my favorites, A Song of Ice and Fire.


Read more 2016 NaPoWriMo entries here!

A is for Augenblick


 GIF source: Wordstuck

/ˈaʊɡənblɪk/, /aʊɡənˈblɪk/;
Unlike our English “moment” which rather vaguely designates any brief temporal interval, Augenblick suggests the lived and limited period of a blinking of the eyes, or perhaps the duration bounded by two such blinks.

As the cold morning breeze kisses on my cheeks
Upon seeing you, a familiar chill on me sneaks
My past and present fought to a bitter-sweet end
Then came realization: this heart has yet to mend

Astounded when our eyes met, I don’t know what to do
It’s been five years and counting since I let go of you
It’ll be a lie, I know, to say that the feeling’s gone
When I could spend the day with you beneath the sun

I was left dumbfounded, couldn’t utter a single word
My courage sank to zero; I seem to have lost my sword
I breathed the air between us on that tiny wisp of time
Tried not to waste a blink, gazed at you one last time

For the A to Z challenge, I’ll be sharing new found words with a poem. Happy Poetry Month, blogosphere! 😘😘😘


Read more 2016 A to Z Challenge entries here!

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