
I write because…
My glee screams higher in every word
My angst is piercing in punctuation
My fear shrieks louder in every space
And my grief cries deeper in every clause
I write because…
When letters fuse to form a word
And words rally into a sentence
And paragraphs unite to make a sense— or not
I see her, him, them, us, you, and I.
I see the world and the world unknown
And I’m drawn to every word and punctuation
Every space and every clause
I write because…
My words stumble whenever I speak
But find their way whenever I write.

This is in response to our Writing 101 Day 1 task.

Today, tell us: why do you write? If you’d like to see how others have approached this, here are 23 inspiring quotes from famous authors. The I Write Because project is also worth a peek and is full of personal, honest submissions. Set a timer and free-write for 15 or 30 minutes without stopping. Begin your post with “I write because . . . ” or start it any other way you wish.