“Ah, music,” he said, wiping his eyes. “A magic beyond all we do here!”
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Yes, music. One of the most magical things in this world- along with poems, books, and love- and I couldn’t be happier when La duchesse d’Erat introduced this week’s chapter in The Great Book of List. If my life carries a playlist with it, it’ll be filled with hundreds of songs transcending through time. But since we can’t have that, here are some songs from the soundtrack of my life that I’d like to share. I hope you enjoy! 😀

1. A song that reminds me to trust in God- I’ve mentioned this in the previous chapter since every word in the lyrics resonates and matters to me. When everything goes wrong and nothing seems right, I turn to this one. I turn to God.

Just Be Held by Casting Crowns


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