

Scribblings and scrawls of a hopeless romantic soul


Fitzwilliam Darcy

Not Again!

Not Again!

I am back at Pemberly—again. This time, I am playing the piano with Lady Catherine de Bourgh watching from behind. I cringe to the shadow of her majesty. Her regal grace is creeping on my spine like a snake.

Wait… what am I doing here in the first place?

As if to answer my query, Mr. Darcy came barging into the hall with his eyes fixed on Lady Catherine. “Your highness, I am baffled and enraged”, his voice raised. “Why do you have to take her here?”

“My nephew, you astonished me.” Lady Catherine, with all her arrogance and flair, walked towards Mr. Darcy. “I expected to find a more reasonable woman. But heaven and earth! Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?”

“Leave me and my choice be, please!” He retorted and snatched me out of the mansion.

“Ria…” Mr. Darcy stopped, his breaths catching up to mine.

“Riaaaaa!” a loud voice came out of nowhere, “RIA. Wake up!” mom yelled, shaking my senses.

“MOM! Not again!” I wailed

“What again?!”

Word Count: 175

Here is for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers prompt. This week’s photo prompt by Louise of The Storyteller’s Abode which surprisingly reminds me of my favorite classic, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. It was January 2016 when I first wrote the fiction, Daydreams, which fantasizes Fitzwilliam Darcy and I believe it’s about time that I write a follow-up. Sorry Lizzie!

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers is a weekly writing challenge where a photo is used as a prompt for a piece of fiction using 150 (+/- 25 words). Thanks for another fun prompt, PJ! 😀

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One morning, we were striding the path of Pemberley’s garden where sunflowers bloom and wink to the sunny skies. I have never seen such stunning place devoid of artificial façade.

Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner paced slowly in front while Darcy walked by my side. I blinked my eyes in disbelief—I’m with the Fitzwilliam Darcy!

He was talking endlessly, something about the flowers, arts, Netherfield, and breakfast but I only nodded mechanically and my thoughts were fixed on his face. My eyes traced the strands of his hair, I want to touch them. And as he speak in fervor, with those lips—cherry and inviting—I couldn’t help but bit mine.

“Young lady, if you’re not going to stop staring like that, I’m afraid I’m going to kiss you.” he teased.

I blinked trying to make sense of what I’ve just heard.

“Ria…” he paused, his face closing to mine.

“Riaaaaa!” a loud voice came out of nowhere, “RIA. Wake up!” mom yelled, shaking my senses.

“MOM! Not before the kiss!” I wailed

“What kiss?!”

Word Count: 175

Here is for  Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers prompt. This week’s photo prompt by Sonya of Only 100 Words which surprisingly reminds me of my favorite classic, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. P.S I’ve been ogling  Fitzwilliam Darcy ever since I read the book. I hope Lizzie forgives me for fantasizing her beloved. 😀

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers is a weekly writing challenge  where a photo is used as a prompt for a piece of fiction using 150 (+/- 25 words). Thanks for another fun prompt, PJ! 😀

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