
A Better Day

She was sunshine personified. Every single day, her eyes beamed brighter than the sun’s rays and her smiles radiated warmth and grace. But beneath her sun-draped skin and rosy cheeks, she craved for the night to come. She ached for the last remnants of the day to roll in with the dusk so she could plunged into her bed faster that anyone could— for her soul was tired. Tired from trying too hard. Trying to paint a smile in this blood speckled  world. Trying to hold on to what is left of humanity yet they continued to slip away. Trying to rip off those labels that distorted mankind’s vision. Trying to break the walls that divided the people of the earth. Her soul was tired from all these needless “versuses”. Black versus white. Rich versus poor. Islam versus Christianity. America versus Europe versus Asia versus Middle East. Them versus us. You versus me. In the comfort of her bed, she curled herself the way crocuses tucked themselves at night and prayed for a better day.

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Photography by Anna O.

Today’s Filipino word prompt is “takipsilim” which refers to “twilight or dusk”.

Come on! Write a poem or a fiction
Snap a photo under the sun
A six-word tale or a long post, perhaps?
Let’s all get word-high this July!

Want to join the fun? Find the prompt words HERE! Don’t forget to pingback & use the tag WordHighJuly. Mazel tov! 😉
