
Chaos and Daydreams
A Haibun

I stared at the ceiling with its white and bare surface. Five seconds. Ten. A minute turned to hour. From a glass window, the sky is a tug-of-war between a cloudy and a sunny day. The trees sway with the soft gust of wind— a hint that the great ball of fire is winning. Yet, here I am again with my morning habit. This ceiling is my retreat amid the office chaos. It is a void, an empty space, where oblivion resides. No gossip, no tapping keyboards, no pressure and fake smiles. Just my own breath and the ceiling’s distant stare—and a long list of daydreams about unicorns and rainbows and tree houses and kites.

Winds howling a song
Office teeming with chaos
Wish I was outside

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

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In response to dVerse’s Haibun Monday #15: All Things Quotidian

Poet’s Pub today is hosted by Toni with his herb-scented piece. We are to write a haibun out of the ordinary, everyday goings on in our lives. Interested? Join the band here!:)
