
An Inch Closer: The Sins We Make

Take your step
An inch closer
And hereafter let’s walk away
Shake world that immures us
Hand in hand,

You need not drown
Yourself in longing
Crave for sweetness—I’ll be the insulin
In a cloudburst of joy we will radiate
Sin slovenly,
I’m your chocolate

© 2017 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Image Source: Favim

In response to MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie’s Wordle #161.

After another hiatus in the blogosphere, I am back and instantly inspired to write by two awesome poets: 1) another romantic piece from Charles entitled, Chocolate To Me, and 2) a sensual piece entitled,  What I’ve Become, from a newfound blogger, Holly. Make sure to check out their works! 🙂

Also I’ve decided to add this poem to my little collection of An Inch Closer series which you can find here: An Inch CloserAn Inch Closer: Renegades and An Inch Closer: What lies beyond

Head over here to join the fun: