
Art of Hiding

You used to dread the storm
Used to pull me under
Thick blankets and
Wrap yourself in my arms

I look at you
Expecting to see you flinch
But your eyes marvel
The series of flash and close
To hear the thunder rumble

I had no alibi
I left you in the cold for so long
That you no longer fear the storm
That you no longer need my warmth

So here I am—
One with the rain
In the art of hiding
The tears trickling down.

© 2017 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Happy poetry month, blogosphere!! April has finally come and it is a high time for the A to Z Challenge. This year, I am happy to share that I have teamed up with the talented Reylia Slaby. I will be using her photographs throughout the month.

Today’s photograph is entitled The Art of Hiding. You can find more of her works in her Facebook Page and Instagram account.

YAY! Let the challenge commence! 😀


Read more 2017 A to Z Challenge entries here!