The Mad Cow

It was a perfect time for rocking chair and morning coffee when suddenly his grandson came barging in from the backyard.

“Grandpa! Grandpa!” Nathan yelled, his face flushed from the sun.

John let a sigh and spoke sternly, “Kid. I told you… No running inside the house.”

“Grandpa, you would be proud.” Nathan said abruptly as if not listening. “I found a mad cow in your herd and I set the cows free! You should have seen them. They were running so fast. I knew they were so scared of—

“Wait, what? What mad?” John knew his grandson is too hyperactive for a seven year old but he must have heard wrong.

Nathan, his eyes brimming with pride, led him towards the backyard. “Remember? The one you and Uncle Jerry were talking about—mad cow disease! I found one who never stopped staring at me. He was totally mad.”

And then John was at lost.

Word Count: 155

© 2017 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Here is for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers prompt. This week’s photo prompt is provided by MajesticGoldenRose. Thanks PJ for hosting another fun prompt. 😀

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