
The fires of the night danced from a distance as I walked languidly in the dimmed path of 6th street with nothing but a pale light from a solitary street lamp to guide my way. Home. That’s where my feet were supposed to go but my heart refused to call it such. Nothing feels like home when you’re miles away. Nothing feels like home when the distance is heaven wide. Another day has passed and I stared at the infinite horizon of star-speckled sky; my eyes seeking for solace. I looked for the one thing that never failed to make my heart skip a beat, the one thing that the celestial gods must have hand-crafted for me alone—Cassiopeia. In the corner of the night sky, I found the distant gleam of five burning stars forming into a gorgeous constellation and I felt my restless heart calmed, my lips curved into a smile. Now that, my friend, is home.

Stars wink and glimmer,
A warm embrace of comfort
The starry sky brings

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Image Source: Wikipedia

In response to dVerse’s Haibun Monday: Twinkle, twinkle

Tending the bar today is Toni with her piece, Night Sky. The challenge is to write a haibun anything about the night sky. In Toni’s words, “Give us your heart, your humor, your expertise about the night sky….Whatever happened to you under a night sky from sunset to sunrise.”

One of nature’s glamour is the night sky. There is something about the night sky that draws us closer to the realm of magic, make-believes and dreams. As for me, Cassiopeia will always be exceptionally special for it reminds me of home. I remember how it hung just above our house on the evenings of June, shone in front on Decembers and hid at the backyard on April Fools. Whenever I’m missing my family, I look for Cassiopeia and then I’ll be fine.<3

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