I think my jar of poetic juice needs a refill so I’ve decided to take a break from poetry. Instead, I’d like to share about something that made my  day. 😉

Meet Tog (not his name), a gorgeous-looking stray dog dressed in a golden hue of fur, adorned with bold stripes and rosettes. Yes, you’ve read that right. He is a stray. But I’d say this big boy is too good and too big to be one though.

I choose to call him “Tog” for I have this wild belief that he is a half-tiger, half-dog. Crazy, I know. Haha! But look at his fur! There’s something in those patterns and his sheer size that’s alarming yet you could see nothing but kindness in his eyes. That’s when I knew I’m in love. If only I wasn’t on my way back to the office, I would have snuck him out of that place.

He reminded me so much of my two girls, Murd and Kler. Originally, they were named CC (cookies and cream) and Mocha based on their furs. It was when they started a killing spree, haunting our poor chicken and innocent chicks, that I named them Murd (muderer) and Kler (killer). They were spoiled and conceited ladies but they were sweet and loving, too. And I missed them.

Kler died two years ago of an unknown illness and Murd… was taken down last year. Murd was exceptionally playful who tends to bite and, although she was free of rabies, neighbors have complained about her habit. My parents never told me she was executed until I visited home a month after. It broke my heart.

Murd was a picky one (did she get that from me? :D) but I knew she would have liked Tog. They would have made cute little puppies of stripes, cookies and cream. Now, that’s only a far-fetched dream. *tears*

I just hope Kler and Murd are happy in Dogland and I pray Tog finally finds his home. ❤

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

Today’s Filipino word prompt is “gigil” which refers to the “uncontrollable urge to pinch or squeeze someone”.

Come on! Write a poem or a fiction
Snap a photo under the sun
A six-word tale or a long post, perhaps?
Let’s all get word-high this July!

Want to join the fun? Find the prompt words HERE! Don’t forget to pingback & use the tag WordHighJuly. Mazel tov! 😉
