“Chasing Lava” by Nick Selway and CJ Kale

Tough Love
A Free Verse

Let your love burn like lava
Scorching in fiery orange
Do not fear that I will tremble
Or worse, that I will hide
For I’ll be the grayish-blue ocean
Refusing to let go of the shore
Devour me along with the sands
Let the world melt away
Into a clutter of noise

© 2016 Maria. All Rights Reserved.

In response to Shapeshifting 13 #47 KICKOFF (Ghouls on Rainbows): ORANGE

Last week for THE SHAPESHIFTING 13 challenge, you were tasked with creating a story or poem in just 39 words. This week, in exactly 52 words, your challenge is to write a story or poem inspired by the following color in the image.