This week’s The Great Book of Lists hosted by La duchesse d’Erat is a special one. The list was suggested by my quote-junkie blogger friend, Rosema. It’s about the words that matter– words that has pushed you forward, to do good, and to be glad. Words that are worth sharing.

So, here’s a few of those words that have helped me make through the day. 🙂

1. Carpe diem- This has always been my life’s motto. Seize the day and savor every moment.


2. Just be held- One of my favorite Christian bands, Casting Crown, introduced me to these words. It’s from their beautiful song that reminds me that when nothing seems to go right, let go.

3. Kindness- I literally utter this word to myself whenever I am faced with situations that test my temper. This also serves as a reminder to show kindness to each and everyone and to find goodness in every soul. My new year’s resolution, to be the kindest me that I could ever be, is a work in progress.


4. Life is a risk- It was, it is, and it will always be. Either way, we are risking happiness or sadness, dreams or fears, faith or doubt, peace or war, love or hatred, and the list could go on. It’s always about making a move and taking a choice.

“Life should be a risk. It’s more than a straight line that you can see clearly from one point to the other. It dips and curves and you never know what’s around the bend sometimes until you get there. That scares a lot of people. But that’s the beauty of it.” ― Katie Kacvinsky, Awaken

5. Home is where your heart is- The secret to happiness, I believe, is to find your home in people, in things that you do, and in the life that you live. Because wherever you are happy, you are home.

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How about you? What are those words that matter to you? I would love to hear them, too. 🙂 🙂 🙂