Copyright Jean L. Hays

Once a man was fleeing from all that haunted him. A girl, so dear, he relinquished, in search for inner peace and bliss. For eons he rummaged the heart of metropolis to the bounds of this concrete jungle, but found nothing until one day he looked into a café. And all sense and folly dawned on him— the very thing he was looking for, he had it all along. Then forever and after, he walks into cafés, hoping she’d magically appear just like before. Strumming a guitar, their eyes would meet,

…and he would watch it all begin again.

Word Count: 100

Better late than never! Here is for Friday Fictioneers’ weekly prompt.

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly writing challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields where a photo is used as a prompt for a piece of fiction using 100 words or less.

Enjoy more stories here. Happy new year! 🙂