Katie opened the bedroom window. The storm finally broke and the air felt cool and clean. While pockets of mist rose from the ground, rolling clouds drifted past the moon that hung above the trees.

She motioned to her drawer taking out an antique pyramid figure, stones, and a blue rose.

“This is crazy. Oh well… what do I have to lose!” she said scowling

Three minutes later, a soft voice filled the room with words that echoed to the night sky.

Seven stones in a circle
Crescent moon hear my plea
Rose petals in the middle
Oh night stars lead him to me
I pray thee for true love
In the breath of the night
Draw from universe
A perfect love that is right.  

With a sigh of relief, Katie glanced at the window once again. She tucked herself back to bed, her eyes closed with a silent hope for the moon and stars to hear her chant.

Midnight came and the leaves turned from sporadic silver and black as they shimmered in the evening breeze. And in the midst of silence, like those we see in fairytales, silver dust came out of the pyramid and sprinkled over our sleeping  Katie.

Here’s for this week’s Sunday Photo Fiction prompt by Al Forbes. Enjoy more stories here. 🙂